Waiwera Spirits are distilled at our own state-of-the-art distillery in Silverdale using traditional pot distillation and innovative batch rectification methods. The Master Distiller, Sasha Samorukov, picks the best raw ingredients for the distillation of the spirit, using strict criteria to choose these ingredients. After the spirit is distilled to 96% alcohol, it is blended with Waiwera Artesian Mineral Water and filtered through activated charcoal made from coconut shells. Our gravity filtration system happens at an optimum speed for our spirit which results in the most careful and thus the most thorough in the world, taking 2 weeks in total for a single batch of spirit..


The fermentation is done using Champagne yeast, as this particular strain of yeast creates a mash with very few impurities; the fermentation takes around a week, after which the mash is around 15%abv.


Distillation takes two distinct stages; First stage is the Pot Distillation of fermented ingredients; the mash is distilled once resulting in a 70%abv spirit with heads and tails being cut off. The second distillation stage happens in batch rectifying stills where the alcohol reaches its optimum 96%abv, further cutting the heads and tails, which results in only around 50% of the total distillate being used in the final product. A single batch of spirit is no more than 400 litres. The whole process is computerized, using modern technology, which helps the master distiller make very precise decisions on when to cut the heads and tails, eliminating human error. After distillation, the spirit is finally blended to 40%abv using Waiwera Artesian Water and the final product is set to rest for at least 10 days before bottling.

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